About the Rockabilly Chronicle

Eddie Cochran - Rockabilly

Welcome to the Rockabilly Chronicle.

First and foremost: we like all kinds of Rockabilly!

What is the Rockabilly Chronicle?

The Rockabilly Chronicle is a website that focuses on Rockabilly music, from the 50’s til today, and all the sub-genre associated to this music like hillbilly, western swing, honky tonk, surf, psychobilly, garage, jump blues, swing. We thought that the term “Rockabilly” would mean something to the readers and give the general idea but as you can see, you’ll find more than that here.The website features reviews, interviews, stories, articles, etc. We take great pride to write in depth reviews and not only copy and paste the songs and the info sheets sent by the band/label. It takes more time and maybe we have less updates than other sites, but this is how we see it.

I’m a rockabilly, psychobilly / honky tonk /swing artist and I’d like to have my album reviewed, how do I proceed?

It’s easy, just send your album to the adress you’ll find at the bottom of the home page. We always prefer “real” cd’s (yes we’re a bit old school) but you can send us mp3’s if you like.

Some reviews seem familiar, did you have another rockabilly website?

The Rockabilly Chronicle is the prolongation of Jumpin’ from 6 to 6, my previous website. Formed in 2005 (and before that it was a pdf fanzine, it’s hard to imagine that we do this for more than 15 years) Jumpin’ worked great for many years, but for quite some times I wanted a more handy tool. I had in mind something similar to a magazine and easy to update and I switched to wordpress and changed the name in the process.
If you have any suggestions to ameliorate the website, don’t hesitate to contact me at info[at]the-rockabilly-chronicle.com.

What about the rockabilly profiles section?

This is a long term work. We try to provide a short history and line-up for as many bands as possible from the mid 70’s til today. So if you played in a band, send us your infos (story, line-up, photos…) and we’ll add you.

How do I say “Hello”?

We’re always happy to hear from our readers. You can send an email or check our Facebook page. We mostly use the facebook page to post pictures and updates, so keep on eye on it and don’t forget to share it with your friends, we need you!

Can I contribute to the Rockabilly Chronicle?

Sure! We welcome any help. Actually we encourage it! Contact us first to see if we’re on the same wavelength. Don’t forget that we try (hope it works) to promote these musics and we try as much as possible to remain positive. The Rockabilly Chronicle is a labour of love: we don’t make money with it (we mostly loose money if you count the price of the domain name and host), so we won’t waste our precious time (we work on our free time) to write bad reviews, this is not interesting. What’s the use?

Enjoy your visit,
Fred “Virgil” Turgis
Editor, writer, webmaster…

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